God doesn’t have to prove anything. He’s God, whether we believe it or not. But sometimes, He’ll prove to people that you’re His child when you’re in difficult situations where you’re outnumbered, when the giants are too big, when the addiction seems permanent.
— Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) April 24, 2020
#prayer #prayerworks #miracles #miracleshappen #havefaith #believe #God #GodHasAPlan #GodLovesYou #GodisGood #Amen pic.twitter.com/4zGVBBZoN7
— God Is Coming (@GodIsNear2) April 18, 2020
God wants to help you. He wants to heal you, to free you, to increase you, to take you places that you’ve never dreamed. He’s longing to be good to you. Look to Him as your Source.
— Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) April 16, 2020
God is about to break those yokes that have pulled you down so you can step up to who you were created to be. The final word is freedom, wholeness, abundance, victory.
— Joel Osteen (@JoelOsteen) April 16, 2020
Don't miss this powerful message, "God Has the Final Say" from Joel! https://t.co/kMfAhXGqHJ pic.twitter.com/URwVPjuUgj
You cannot breathe the air of anxiety and expect to live in an atmosphere of peace.
— stevenfurtick (@stevenfurtick) April 15, 2020
Dear Father, Thank You for a new day. Glad we can turn to You every moment no matter where we are, for You are God and there is none like You, in the midst of all these You are saving us and Your Purpose-Judgement shall stand in the end in Jesus' Name.Amen
Isaiah 45:22
Monday, September 19, 2022
The new formula that quarrantees answers to Prayers.
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Powerful Prayer Points
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Prophetic Proclamation : 10 powerful prayer points All Christians should pray Today For Financial Abundance.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Happy New Month.
It is a great thing to witness this day. Not by your power nor your might. Thank you Lord for your protection over our life and family. Thank you Lord for your faithfulness, provisions and mercies upon our life in Jesus name.
1. Do not leave God out of your daily routine. Saying thank you Jesus makes a lasting impact. Psalm 100:4 says, "Enters his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise. HAPPY NEW MONTH.
2. Look what Jesus did with a bit of bread and fish... Think of what He could do for you. HAPPY NEW MONTH.
3. Take back your power. You are the only governing authority when it comes to your life. Always says, Jesus is the only reason I have made it this far. HAPPY NEW MONTH.
4. Satan's target is your mind and his weapon is lies. So, this new month, fill your mind with God"s word. Thanks be to God. HAPPY NEW MONTH.
5. This new month, pray without ceasing, the Lord is not slow in keeping his promises. Everything you have is a gift of God. HAPPY NEW MONTH.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Do you accept me in your life? Jesus asked..
Friday, November 15, 2019
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Live with Steady Peace of Mind in this Unstable World
"My relationship with God is my number one focus. I know that if I take care of that, God will take care of everything else.."
No matter what happens in the world or in our own individual lives, is there a place to turn for stability? Can we look toward the future with hope, regardless of life's and the world's circumstances? These days many people are seeing the value of God as their constant. The world around us is ever-changing, but God does not change. He is steady, reliable. He says, "Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one. For I, the Lord, do not change."1 God is always there. He can be counted on. He is "the same yesterday and today, and forever."2 And God can make himself known, giving us a peace of mind through him, setting our hearts securely at rest.
Read more here...
How to Live with Steady Peace of Mind in this Unstable World
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Prayer : 7 Ways to make prayer works for You.
Prayer can and does change things. The importance of prayer can not be over emphasized. Through prayer you build intimacy with God, this will enable you to know His plans for your life. God is not just a way maker, He is the way, that is why He is called the great I am. But, why is that some pray and get answered and others pray with no answer. Let us go through the piece below and see whether the reasons could be uncovered.
1. For prayer to work for you, you have to confess of your Sins. For the Bible says you can be in sin and expect good things from God. Sin hold back the answer to prayers. Be empowered to overcome sin today so that prayer can works for you.
2. For prayer to works for you, you have to believe in the name that answers prayer. For "wherefore God also with highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in the earth and things under the earth.
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord(Jesus) shall be saved(Romans 10:13).
3. Prayer will work for you if you have Faith. You have to walk by faith and not by sight. Your faith is going to turn things around Your faith will bring answer to your prayer. You pray for financial breakthrough. You pray for success. You pray for healing or divine direction. Your faith in God will bring opportunities through prayer. Your faith is going to bring unexpected favor. Faith makes prayer works for you.
4. Prayer works for you if you pray from your heart. God does not discriminate anyone. He is the Holy God. He does not select the class or status of people He answers their prayers Prayer must be from the hearth and must be done with every seriousness.
5. For prayer to works for you , you have to pray constantly. The disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ prayed until the house where they were praying began to shake(Acts 4:31). Pray without ceasing.The things that seem impossible to you of which you have been praying on, God is saying, look again I am working behind the scenes, do not be discouraged. Pray without ceasing, you are close to your breakthrough.
6. What is your prayer times? Prayer will always work for you if you are the type that give thanks to God in prayers both in the Morning, Afternoon and Night. 1Thessalonian 5:18 says, in all things give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you. Even, if you do not know how to pray, "Thank you Jesus" is enough for you.
7. Pray with prayer points and let the purpose of your prayers be known to God. Mattew 6:5-7 says, "And when thou pray thou shall not be as the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the cornersw of the streets, that they may be seen of men"... but when ye pray, use not vain repititions, as the heathen do, for they think that they nshall be heard for their much speaking.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
SCRIPTURES ON PRAYER.: Prayer Changes Things Scripture.
Monday, October 7, 2019
How to become a Child of God.
T`o become a Child of God, we must receive Christ. But, to all who received him, who believe in his name, He gave power to become a Children of God, who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor the will of the man, but of God.
To become a Child of god we must of Christ the Lord. When we believe in Jesus and accept Him as our Savior, we are born in God's family. Physical birth does not qualify us to become children of god only. Faith in Jesus Christ makes us members of God's family. Christians are brothers and sisters in the family of God, whether they are poor or rich.
1. When you become members of God's family, you will be able to talk to god freely and say, "Father, I choose to put my in trust in you. I know that you are a good and faithful God and I trust that you have my best interest at heart. Help me stay focused on your goodness and let your divine mercy found me today in Jesus name". Amen.
2. When you become members of God's family, the Lord will release upon you the anointing to fulfill your destiny in the name of Jesus.
3. As a Child of God, the mighty hands of god protection shall cover you and every member of your family. every evil arrow against you shall return back to the sender. Any alter raised against your progress as you are reading this piece shall be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus.
4. As a member of God's family, the God loves you. This month shall be your month of success, excellence, salvation, month of divine elevation, divine miracles, restoration and God's blessing. Amen.
5. As a Child of God, today, in the name of Jesus, I and you will experience more of the manifestation of the power of god in your life, home, business and in your Ministry.
Lord God, in the presence of those who are asking for my God, arise and manifest yourself in my life, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Who is Lord: Christ or Caesar?
Thursday, September 5, 2019
1.Lord, I acknowledge you as my Lord and personal savior. I acknowledge the 7 deadly sins, forgive all my sins, both known and hidden sins. I uproot every closed doors over my business, success, finances, divine connections, exploits and marriage in the name of Jesus. I uproot every closed doors against my life and destiny in Jesus Name.
2.Father, I bless you, for you are the Lord god, mighty and strong, the Lord Mighty in battle. I pray in your name, let every power preventing me from enjoying the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, die, in the me of Jesus
http://charitydonor.blogspot.com/2019/06/maroon-5-donate-500k-ahead-of-super_27.html |
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Prayer Changes Things Scripture.
It was on a flight to India with my father years ago when the friendly skies turned mean. We had been flying for about thirteen hours. We had another couple of hours to go. Up to that point the flight had been very smooth and comfortable. But at one point we hit some turbulence like nothing I had ever experienced. This was worse than the worst roller coaster. The plane was going every which way. Food and bags went flying, hitting the ceiling, passengers and the floor. For ten minutes it was the wildest ride of my life. People were hollering. Babies were crying. That plane was shaken violently, we were sure the whole thing was breaking apart.
Being the great man of faith that I am, I thought. This is it. It is over. There is no way we will survive. Yes, I surrendered my happiness and joy to sheer, unadulterated panic The turbulence seemed to last an eternity, but sure enough, in about ten minutes we were trough it and returned to a calm and smooth ride. Two hours later we landed safely at our destination. The Challenge is to keep looking ahead, knowing that the turbulence will not last forever, that one one day soon, happiness will be possible. At the time, you may feel the good life is over, but take it from me, this, too, shall pass. Prayer changes things.
God is still on the throne. He has brought you this fa. Your life may have taken a plunge and you may feel like you have been put in a giant mixer. Others around you may be panicked. But sooner or later calm will be restored. Prayer changes things scriptures thought me so My theory is that every person has at least ten minutes of turbulence in life. Usually, the scary moments do not come all at once. You may experience a minute here, five minutes there, a couple of minutes down the road. In those tough times when you feel like the plane is breaking apart and panic overwhelms you, go to your faith. Trust that the creator of the universe is piloting your plane. The most high God is directing your steps. Remember that He said no weapons formed against you will prosper. God said not to be surprised by these fiery trials. Do not panic. Go to that place of peace even in the midst of turbulence. I have haired that "trouble is inevitable, but misery is optional". Trouble descends on all of us from time to time, but we can decide whether to fall apart or to pull it together. We have that power even when we are blindsided. Prayer changes things scriptures thought me that nothing is impossible for God to do.